
Customer Service / Sales

To my customer:
I may not have the answer, but Ill find it.
I may not have the time, but Ill make it.
I may not be the biggest, but Ill be the most committed to your success. – Anon.

If youre not serving the customer, youd better be serving someone who is. – Karl Albrecht

Make a customer, not a sale. – Katherine Barchetti

Look through your customers eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem? – Marlene Blaszczyk

If you dont care, your customer never will. – Marlene Blaszczyk

Worry about being better; bigger will take care of itself. Think one customer at a time and take care of each one the best way you can. – Gary Comer

The 1990s customer expects service to be characterized by fast and efficient computer-based systems. – Steve Cuthbert

If you love your customer to death, you cant go wrong. – Graham Day

Doing a great job and not meeting the customers objectives is as useless as doing a poor job within the customers objectives. – Thomas Faranda

Every companys greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company. – Michael Leboeuf

Treat your customers like lifetime partners. – Michael Leboeuf

A customer who complains is my best friend. – Stew Leonard

Consumers are statistics. Customers are people. – Stanley Marcus

Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them…we know that if we treat our employees correctly, theyll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, theyll come back. – J. Marriot Jr.

Always think of your customers as suppliers first. Work closely with them, so they can supply you with the information you need to supply them with the right products and services. – Susan Marthaller

Be it furniture, clothes, or health care, many industries today are marketing nothing more than commodities — no more, no less. What will make the difference in the long run is the care and feeding of customers. – Micheal Mescon

The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes. – Daniel R. Scroggin

Sacred cows make the best hamburger. – Mark Twain

If we dont take care of the customer… somebody else will. – Source Unknown

It is not enough to give the customer excellent service. You must subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting. – Source Unknown