Quote by Michael Leboeuf
Every companys greatest assets are its customers, because without

Every companys greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company. – Michael Leboeuf

Other quotes by Michael Leboeuf

Waste your money and youre only out of money, but waste your time and youve lost a part of your life. – Michael LeBoeuf

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When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools. – Michael Leboeuf

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Customer Service / Sales

Doing a great job and not meeting the customers objectives is as useless as doing a poor job within the customers objectives. – Thomas Faranda

It is not enough to give the customer excellent service. You must subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting. – Source Unknown

Always think of your customers as suppliers first. Work closely with them, so they can supply you with the information you need to supply them with the right products and services. – Susan Marthaller

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