The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at

The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes. – Daniel R. Scroggin

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Customer Service / Sales

It is not enough to give the customer excellent service. You must subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting. – Source Unknown

Look through your customers eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem? – Marlene Blaszczyk

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Everyone should learn to do one thing supremely well because he likes it, and one thing supremely well because he detests it. – Brigham Young

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In these confused times, the role of classical music is at the very core of the struggle to reassert cultural and ethical values that have always characterized our country and for which we have traditionally been honored and respected outside our shores. – Lorin Maazel


It is not happiness until you capture it and store it out of the reach of time. – Robert Brault,


After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism. – Ang Lee
