Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of

Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them…we know that if we treat our employees correctly, theyll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, theyll come back. – J. Marriot Jr.

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Customer Service / Sales

Worry about being better; bigger will take care of itself. Think one customer at a time and take care of each one the best way you can. – Gary Comer

If youre not serving the customer, youd better be serving someone who is. – Karl Albrecht

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My theology, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed. – Christopher Morley


There is a working class – strong and happy – among both rich and poor: there is an idle class – weak, wicked, and miserable – among both rich and poor. – John Ruskin
