Quote by Source Unknown
If we dont take care of the customer... somebody else will. - Sour

If we dont take care of the customer… somebody else will. – Source Unknown

Other quotes by Source Unknown

The temperate persons pleasures are durable because they are regular; and all their life is calm and serene, because it is innocent. – Source Unknown

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The five senses are horse sense, innocence, common sense, concupiscence, and nonsense. – Source Unknown

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Other Quotes from
Customer Service / Sales

Look through your customers eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem? – Marlene Blaszczyk

Every companys greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company. – Michael Leboeuf

To my customer:
I may not have the answer, but Ill find it.
I may not have the time, but Ill make it.
I may not be the biggest, but Ill be the most committed to your success. – Anon.

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