

Im 33 now and I seem to have hit a fitness plane. Shifting the wobbly bits isnt as easy as it used to be. – Matthew Rhys

I believe its extremely important to include some other type of fitness activity in your training, so cross training will help you to avoid injury when you are dancing. – Laurieann Gibson

I dont want to lose my fitness. Im 45. I have two babies. Ive got a long way to go and I want to keep in tiptop shape. Theres no magic bullet. – Marcia Cross

The spirit of the Olympic movement is great for young people because it teaches them about the training and discipline required to compete. Even if they dont make the teams, they can rededicate their lives to the art of sport, discipline, and physical fitness. – Richard M. Daley

Im enjoying myself this year and for once Im not chasing my fitness. – Jamie Redknapp

Overall, I think Im in pretty good shape, but Im not really someone that is gung-ho or a fitness fanatic. – Cobi Jones

Ive always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier, healthier life. When your health is strong, youre capable of taking risks. Youll feel more confident to ask for the promotion. Youll have more energy to be a better mom. Youll feel more deserving of love. – Jillian Michaels

My mother was a P.E. teacher, and she was kind of a fanatic about fitness and nutrition growing up, so it was ingrained in me at a young age. As I get older, Im finding out its not about getting all buffed up and looking good. Its more about staying healthy and flexible. – Josh Duhamel

I feel if Im healthy and happy, I look good. With a good mixture of fitness and healthy food I always feel great! – Candice Swanepoel

The main thing is that its nice to see these young people – 9 to 14 years old – take the opportunity to get more involved in their health and fitness. We need more kids to be more active. – Rafer Johnson

I have run two Olympic A standard times over the past 12 months and with the time I ran at the African Championships last week I know my speed and fitness are constantly improving so that I will peak in time for the Olympics. – Oscar Pistorius

The health industry, the fitness industry, was really starting to pick up. This was around the mid 80s. – Warren Cuccurullo

Flexibility is crucial to my fitness. Incorporating a good warm-up and cool-down into every session decreases my chances of injury. I use both dynamic and static stretching in my training. Ive starting doing a few yoga sessions which incorporates muscle strength and flexibility. – Samantha Stosur

My priority is to turn people – especially kids – on to sports and being active so they dont even have to think about it being good for their health. If people participate for the fun of it, and believe me – it is fun, then fitness programs will be much more successful. – Alan Thicke

Now I say that if you run more than 15 miles a week, its for something other than aerobic fitness. Once you pass 15 miles, you do not see much further improvement. – Kenneth H. Cooper

Ive had one very bad ankle injury but otherwise Ive been incredibly lucky with my fitness. Ive worked hard at it and Ive always been fit even compared to other players. That sustains you through various parts of your career, but I am 36. – Graeme Le Saux

Im healthy now. I probably wouldnt say Im at my best fitness level and I havent played that much lately, but Im healthy and thats all that matters. – Mary Pierce

For years, I always thought it was hilarious that I was this fitness guru, because fitness was just a tool I utilized to help people improve their confidence. For me, its never been about fitness. Its always been about helping to empower people. – Jillian Michaels

Ive published one book before, and now Im writing a book of essays and stories about life in Tokyo. And I have one book coming out in May in Germany, about fitness. – Franka Potente

Fitness will be a major factor in the first race and I think that will play into the hands of drivers who have been racing recently, rather than people like me who havent raced properly for a decade. Iam not one of the favourites to start with. – Nigel Mansell