

Skiing is a dance, and the mountain always leads. – Author Unknown

There are really only three things to learn in skiing: how to put on your skis, how to slide downhill, and how to walk along the hospital corridor. – Lord Mancroft, A Chinaman in the Bath, 1974

The sensual caress of waist deep cold smoke…. glory in skiing virgin snow, in being the first to mark the powder with the signature of their run. – Tim Cahill

Skiing is the only sport where you spend an arm and a leg to break an arm and a leg. – Author Unknown

I do not participate in any sport with ambulances at the bottom of the hill. – Erma Bombeck

Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face. – Dave Barry

Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country. – Steven Wright

Traverse: One of two ways to stop while skiing. Tree: The other method. – Author Unknown

All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door. – Author Unknown

Gravity is love and every turn is a leap of faith. – Author Unknown

Skiing: the art of catching cold and going broke while rapidly heading nowhere at great personal risk. – Author Unknown

Snow: a form of precipitation that usually occurs three weeks prior to and the morning of your departure from your ski vacation. – Author Unknown

Turn right, turn left, repeat as necessary. – Author Unknown

The ski bum trades security for face shots, the future for the moment. Considering how hollow the promise of a corporate career has become, who can say the ski bum is not the wiser investor in his or her youth? – Author Unknown

Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough…. I now realize that the small hills you see on ski slopes are formed around the bodies of forty-seven-year-olds who tried to learn snowboarding. – Dave Barry

If you marry a skier, marry tall – they walk with their knees bent ten months out of the year. – Author Unknown

If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country. – Author Unknown