

Its funny, because I sometimes feel that Im most creative when Im pregnant. – Georgina Chapman

Johnny Rotten. Hes a big fan of mine. I used to see him out in the audience in England and hed stand up and holler. Hes funny. Smart too, and a nice guy. Dont think hes a jerk because he isnt. – Don Van Vliet

Back in the 70s, like one of my favorite movies ever was The Bad News Bears, and that was a kids movie, but I dont think of it that way. I think of it as just a great movie because Walter Matthau was so funny and so harsh with those kids. – Jack Black

I just couldnt go back to Suddenly Susan after David Stricklands suicide. I didnt see how we could make the show light and funny any more. – Judd Nelson

One can always come up with funny lists and jokes. You know what? I take it back. Not everyone can always come up with funny lists and some jokes. Im very lucky to have a gift where I can do that pretty ably. – John Hodgman

People forget how outcast They Might Be Giants can be. They have a reputation for writing really deft, funny, clever melodies, and they also make a lot of music for kids, which is terrific, but when you see them in concert, they can rock the house. – John Hodgman

Mmmm… the comedy that matters is the comedy you pull out of thin air. Its a bit like when something funny has happened and you try to explain it to someone else and end up saying, You had to be there. – Jack Dee

Its funny, because Im a man of strong opinions and when I make one, I stand by it even if it starts to appear incorrect to me after a while. – Danny Bonaduce

Its sad and upsetting when you see somebody crying hysterically, but at the same time its real funny. – Seth Green

Well in the book Carrie was my alter ego. In real life, Sarah Jessica and I dont look anything alike. But people do say that we sound alike. Sarah Jessica is an adorable girl and she is very funny. – Candace Bushnell

I think if actors dont think of themselves as funny in real life they think they cant do comedy. – Ben Barnes

I joke around a lot about the manic times because theyre funny. We manics do outrageous things and it is part of our colorful nature. – Patty Duke

I like all Jim Carrey films. Theyre really funny. – Rupert Grint

Yes, I believe blue material is funny, but if thats all youve got, youre dead in the water. Its not good. – Howard Stern

Im not a very serious person. You know how they say that clowns are very funny in public and are really sad at home? Im really kind of stupid at home and more serious in public. – Roland Joffe

Its funny, because I did all of these interviews as soon as I had the baby, and they were asking questions, and I really didnt have an idea of anything, because I was so blurry. – Emily Procter

Thats a funny thing, fame. People definitely do treat you differently. When you begin to be successful, people say, Dont go changing. Well, thats easy to say, but the fact is, you dont change at all – other people do. – Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Im not a movie guy, Im not a TV sitcom guy, but whatever seems to fit and is funny is good for me. – Dave Attell

I really love Soapdish. I wish Soapdish had more of a moment because I felt that that is a really strong, funny movie. Kevin Kline is hilarious in that movie. – Elisabeth Shue

Its funny that all these goths paint their faces with such white make-up and that is the actual colour of my skin, I am that pale! – Kelly Osbourne