Quote by John Hodgman
One can always come up with funny lists and jokes. You know what?

One can always come up with funny lists and jokes. You know what? I take it back. Not everyone can always come up with funny lists and some jokes. Im very lucky to have a gift where I can do that pretty ably. – John Hodgman

Other quotes by John Hodgman

When you think about it, the end of the world is a little bit like death: We all know its going to come eventually, and as we get older, we feel we see the signs more and more distinctly. – John Hodgman

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I think that obviously, there is a perverse attraction to a fundamentally changed world or the end of the world. There is a death wish, a perverse death wish. Not just for ourselves, not just for the movie Death Wish, but for the end of all human life. – John Hodgman

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People forget how outcast They Might Be Giants can be. They have a reputation for writing really deft, funny, clever melodies, and they also make a lot of music for kids, which is terrific, but when you see them in concert, they can rock the house. – John Hodgman

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I know people will think its funny because Ive done glamour modelling in the past, but I felt embarrassed about my body and just wanted to cover it up. – Jennifer Ellison


My Father had a profound influence on me. He was a lunatic. – Spike Milligan


If you are a great dramatic actor then you often dont know if people are enjoying your stuff at all because they are sitting there in silence. But with comedy its a simple premise. If its funny, people laugh. If its not, they dont. – Steve Coogan


Im going to marry a Jewish woman because I like the idea of getting up Sunday morning and going to the deli. – Michael J. Fox


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