

Very often, I dont make it through moments of recording because it is genuinely funny and absolutely ridiculous that a 60-year-old grown man is making these noises. – David Ogden Stiers

I had the classic 40 meltdown. I did. Its embarrassing. It was pretty funny. But then I recovered. To me, it was like a second adolescence. Hormonally, my body was changing, my mind was changing, and so my relationship to myself and the world around me came to this assault of finiteness. – Keanu Reeves

Dont remember me as too nice or beautiful or funny, because then youll be disappointed. – Celia Johnson

I dont like comedy. I like funny things. I dont like comedy. Like, comedy movies are just, Oh Jesus. – Louis C. K.

The funny thing is Im not bothered or sad about being on my own – after all Ive never had a husband. – Francesca Annis

I actually think of being funny as an odd turn of mind, like a mild disability, some weird way of looking at the world that you cant get rid of. – Calvin Trillin

Actually I never did stand up. Im not that funny. – Maynard James Keenan

Hemingway seems to be in a funny position. People nowadays cant identify with him closely as a member of their own generation, and he isnt yet historical. – Leslie Fiedler

Its funny to be a critic. – Leslie Fiedler

Great, big, serious novels always get awards. If its a battle between a great, big, serious novel and a funny novel, the funny novel is doomed. – Neil Gaiman

Weve seen some insane signs: Is that a loaf of bread in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Funny stuff along those lines. Very original. One just said, I will do unspeakable things. I thought that was very interesting – and mildly terrifying! – Josh Hutcherson

You know whats funny? I dont ever feel the need to escape. I have a strong marriage. I like my life. You hear about these guys having midlife crises – I dont see that happening to me. – Harry Connick, Jr.

I dont really get shaken very much. People could heckle me, a spotlight could go out, I could forget a lyric… Im not operating on somebodys brain, you know what I mean? So I just think its all funny. – Harry Connick, Jr.

Without hurting anybody, we all tend to laugh at others discomfort. When someone slips on a banana skin and falls its funny. – Shahrukh Khan

Always remember your kids name. Always remember where you put your kid. Dont let your kid drive until their feet can reach the pedals. Use the right size diapers… for yourself. And, when in doubt, make funny faces. – Amy Poehler

Im like, bursting. I should be working. I dont want to take a break. Its funny, on set, I dont have to go to the bathroom, I dont have anything wrong, Im perfectly fine, so through-and-through. Im not hungry. Im literally not even in my own body. – Kristen Stewart

Its a funny thing: You want so badly for people to see what you do – youre proud of it – and I like the effect that movies have on people. But the attention can also make me uncomfortable. – Kristen Stewart

And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. Its a funny little game to play and its a slippery slope. I always say to myself Im never going to give anything away because theres never any point or benefit for me. – Kristen Stewart

Come out is so funny to me because Ive never been in. – Adam Lambert

The word funny is a bit like the word love – we dont have enough words to describe the many varieties. – George Saunders