

A dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butchers stall passes as food. – John Harvey Kellogg

The food in such places is so tasteless because the members associate spices and garlic with just the sort of people theyre trying to keep out. – Calvin Trillin

I dont think Ive ever read a food piece or a food book. – Calvin Trillin

I dont cook. I dont know anything about food. Ive never reviewed a restaurant. – Calvin Trillin

Canadians are very well behaved, they dont throw their food. – Calvin Trillin

Be what you would seem to be – or, if youd like it put more simply – a house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. – Margaret Fuller

Recipes are important but only to a point. Whats more important than recipes is how we think about food, and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that. – Michael Symon

Go to the grocery store and buy better things. Buy quality, buy organic, buy natural, go to the farmers market. Immediately thats going to increase the quality of the food you make. – Michael Symon

I dont think any other holiday embraces the food of the Midwest quite like Thanksgiving. Theres roasted meat and mashed potatoes. But being here is also about heritage. Cleveland is really a giant melting pot – not only is my family a melting pot, but so is the city. – Michael Symon

My goal in Live to Cook is to make great food more approachable for home cooks. – Michael Symon

I dont do yoga. I bite the hella outta my nails. I smoke, I eat all the wrong food, I dont exercise. – Lisa Marie Presley

I love England, especially the food. Theres nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta. – Naomi Campbell

I think the most wonderful thing in the world is another chef. Im always excited about learning new things about food. – Paul Prudhomme

Another nice thing was that I would type out letters home for the admirals stewards. They would then feed me the same food the admiral ate. – Jack Adams

Im reading a lot of different books, but I always think I have to switch it up a little bit. Its like food – everything in moderation, same with my books, same with my reading. You read books that are good for you and you learn a lot of stuff, then you read Fifty Shades of Grey, which is like candy. – Shay Mitchell

I cant deliver lines, but I can talk about food all night long. – Tom Colicchio

You can buy a box of low-fat macaroni and cheese made with powdered nonsense. Im not worried if Im using four different cheeses and its high in fat. Its real food. Thats whats more important. – Tom Colicchio

I think steak is the ultimate comfort food, and if youre going out for one, that isnt the time to scrimp on calories or quality. – Tom Colicchio

In New York, Ill walk down the street and someone will say, Nice show, and thats it. If Im at a food festival, its open season. – Tom Colicchio

Theres the issue of hunger, and theres an issue of if youre going to cut out food programs. We should be focusing on healthy food. Right now, fruits and vegetables are very expensive. So what can we do on the policy side to bring the cost of fruits and vegetables down? – Tom Colicchio