Quote by George Carlin
Rhetoric paints with a broad brush. - George Carlin

Rhetoric paints with a broad brush. – George Carlin

Other quotes by George Carlin

I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We havent tried that for a while. Maybe this time itll work. – George Carlin

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Im completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. – George Carlin

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Some people see the cup as half empty. Some people see the cup as half full. I see the cup as too large. – George Carlin

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Other Quotes from
Speeches (oratory)

Talking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim. – Proverb

If you cant write your message in a sentence, you cant say it in an hour. – Dianna Booher

He who comes from afar may lie without fear of contradiction as he is sure to be listened to with the utmost attention. – Proverb

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