Quote by Ron Ben-Israel
Your best creative assets do not occur unless you do a mental shif

Your best creative assets do not occur unless you do a mental shift. You have to be in a positive frame of mind because inspiration is fleeting. I walk to work for inspiration and to clear my mind. – Ron Ben-Israel

Other quotes by Ron Ben-Israel

The most successful person is the one who is most inspired. That is true in food and in life. – Ron Ben-Israel

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I did a cake for the 60th birthday of Elton John, for Britney Spears 27th birthday and for the Circus album she put out – the cake had circus themes. I prepared a cake for a surprise 82nd birthday event for the architect Frank Gehry the cake was comprised of mini-replicas of his buildings. – Ron Ben-Israel

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In the past few years, weve been doing amazing stuff with desserts. Pastry chefs have been using herbs and spices in their desserts. So vanilla cake doesnt have to be just vanilla, it can have a little thyme. Or you could have a custard with a little lavender in it, which is just amazing. – Ron Ben-Israel

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I believe that the profits will come from the quality of your creative products. Since the beginning, Ive always wanted to develop a self-feeding circle of creative productions: the positive financial returns from one show would be used to develop and create a new show, and so on. – Guy Laliberte


Im looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. – Justin Bieber


When the media defines something, you have to question: Is it the definition that you want applied to your culture? Im trying to determine whos leaving the legacy, and if the legacy that is being left is a positive one. – Tim Reid


But I think there was a sense amongst the House Republicans especially that we didnt just want to be opposed to Bill Clinton that we wanted to tell the country what we were for and to brand ourselves in a more positive manner. – Ed Gillespie


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