Quote by Jerry Lewis
This is the pain pacemaker. Ive got a battery under my skin. From

This is the pain pacemaker. Ive got a battery under my skin. From that battery are two electrodes that go into the spine where they cut bone away to accommodate it. Now I put on the power here. If I have the pain, the stimulator starts. Its tingling, like when your foot falls asleep, you know? – Jerry Lewis

Other quotes by Jerry Lewis

If youre an old pro, you know how well youre doing when youre doing it, and your inner government spanks you if youre not doing well. – Jerry Lewis

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Every mans dream is to be able to sink into the arms of a woman without also falling into her hands. – Jerry Lewis

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Also, as I lay there thinking of my vision, I could see it all again and feel the meaning with a part of me like a strange power glowing in my body but when the part of me that talks would try to make words for the meaning, it would be like fog and get away from me. – Black Elk


I repeat… that all power is a trust that we are accountable for its exercise that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist. – Benjamin Disraeli


Use power to help people. For we are given power not to advance our own purposes nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power and it is to serve people. – George W. Bush


The struggle for existence holds as much in the intellectual as in the physical world. A theory is a species of thinking, and its right to exist is coextensive with its power of resisting extinction by its rivals. – Thomas Huxley


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