The next time you have a thought… let it go. – Ron White
Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty… mines putting in an express lane. – Ron White
The next time you have a thought… let it go. – Ron White
Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty… mines putting in an express lane. – Ron White
Id rather do a really good small part than a really bad big part. – Ron White
Ive got a great cigar collection – its actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasnt going to smoke every last one of em. – Ron White
People who put my paintings on their walls are putting their values on their walls: faith, family, home, a simpler way of living, the beauty of nature, quiet, tranquillity, peace, joy, hope. They beckon you into this world that provides an alternative to your nightly news broadcast. – Thomas Kincade