You know, Ive always thought that it would be really funny if somebody made a romantic comedy where absolutely everything went well from beginning to end. – Fiona Apple
No, Ive never wanted kids. But I do read about parenting a lot. – Fiona Apple
You know, Ive always thought that it would be really funny if somebody made a romantic comedy where absolutely everything went well from beginning to end. – Fiona Apple
No, Ive never wanted kids. But I do read about parenting a lot. – Fiona Apple
There arent many poster children for cool angst. Everybody thinks its cool if youre the bad girl. – Fiona Apple
I got a lot of problems, but Im really good at intuiting what I need to do to be happy with whatever I create. I know when to stop myself, I know when to start, I know when to leave something alone. I guess I just kind of indulge that completely, and so I just take my time. – Fiona Apple
I get in trouble when I say things like, Im attracted to violence. I was a pretty angry kid, and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. Im just trying to understand where it came from. – Caleb Carr