

Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. – Thomas Jefferson

Rather be dead than cool. – Kurt Cobain

Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes. – Walt Whitman

Being cool is being your own self, not doing something that someone else is telling you to do. – Vanessa Hudgens

The simple truth is that balding African-American men look cool when they shave their heads, whereas balding white men look like giant thumbs. – Dave Barry

All of my favorite people – people I really trust – none of them were cool in their younger years. – Taylor Swift

I can take it. The tougher it gets, the cooler I get. – Richard M. Nixon

One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat. – Woodrow Wilson

People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do. – Tony Dungy

To act coolly, intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the test of a man – and also a nation. – Adlai E. Stevenson

Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be. – Nora Ephron

You get a timeless cool card in New York. – Vin Diesel

I think you create your own hipness. – Peabo Bryson

And not only that, I also have the MacBook Air which is really cool. Even my wife is jealous of my MacBook Air. – Karl Rove

To create well I have to be in a good mood, happy and cool. – Marc Newson

Prominence is cool, but when the delusion kicks in it can be a drag. Especially if you choose to surround yourself with friends and not acolytes. – Barbara Kruger

Every collection that I work on, I always think, Is this cool enough to wear to a concert? – Anna Sui

I just tried to keep my cool and continue with my race plan: to win. – Mark Spitz

Good words cool more than cold water. – John Ray

A lot of people are obsessed with looking cool. They feel they have to look after their image. – Adrian Edmondson