Quote by Will Rogers
We have plenty of Confidence in this country, but we are a little

We have plenty of Confidence in this country, but we are a little short of good men to place our Confidence in. – Will Rogers

Other quotes by Will Rogers

Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now whats going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate? – Will Rogers

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Other Quotes from
Election Day

I like the smell of a dunged field, and the tumult of a popular election. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers

Election Day

Truth is not determined by majority vote. – Doug Gwyn

Election Day

Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. – W.C. Fields

Election Day

I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them. – Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952

Election Day

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