Quote by Marshall McLuhan
Appetite is essentially insatiable, and where it operates as a cri

Appetite is essentially insatiable, and where it operates as a criterion of both action and enjoyment (that is, everywhere in the Western world since the sixteenth century) it will infallibly discover congenial agencies (mechanical and political) of expression. – Marshall McLuhan

Other quotes by Marshall McLuhan

The successor to politics will be propaganda. Propaganda, not in the sense of a message or ideology, but as the impact of the whole technology of the times. – Marshall McLuhan

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Diets and Dieting

I dont weigh a pound over one hundred and eighty and, whats more, I never did. – Fatty Arbuckle

I have always wanted a mistress who was fat, and I have never found one. To make a fool of me, they are always pregnant. – Paul Gauguin

Their kitchen is their shrine, the cook their priest, the table their altar, and their belly their god. – Charles Buck

Imprisoned in every fat man, a thin one is wildly signaling to be let out. – Cyril Connolly

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