

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. – Henry Ward Beecher

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. – Scott Adams

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. – Pablo Picasso

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. – Twyla Tharp

Perfection in art, as often in life, is better captured by eraser than pencil. – Robert Brault,

The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. – William Faulkner

Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one. – Stella Adler

Painting is silent poetry. – Plutarch, Moralia: How to Study Poetry

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen. – Leonardo da Vinci

It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet. – Kojiro Tomita

Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. – Amy Lowell

We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. – Pablo Picasso

…Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art. – Oscar Wilde, “The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue,” in The Nineteenth Century: A Mont

The artist uses the talent he has, wishing he had more talent. The talent uses the artist it has, wishing it had more artist. – Robert Brault,

An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one. – Charles Horton Cooley

Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression. – Isaac Bashevis Singer

To make us feel small in the right way is a function of art; men can only make us feel small in the wrong way. – E.M. Forster, Two Cheers for Democracy, 1951

Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail. – Theodore Dreiser, Life, Art, and America, 1917

All art requires courage. – Anne Tucker

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. – Oscar Wilde