Quote by Joel Robuchon
A few years ago, kids from poor areas in France were asked to draw

A few years ago, kids from poor areas in France were asked to draw items of food. For a chicken, they drew a drumstick. For a fish, they drew a fish stick. Those are extremes, but there is a lot that needs to be done to help children discover good food. – Joel Robuchon

Other quotes by Joel Robuchon

As a chef, you need to respect your guests and their needs. If they decide that they want to eat certain things and not eat others, if for religious reasons or just decide they dont want to eat certain ingredients, you have to respect that. – Joel Robuchon

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The simpler the food, the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is youre eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. Its very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply, without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself. – Joel Robuchon

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Taste is developed by the diversity of the products one can sample. I think our children today may be missing an education about food. We must teach them to know their cuisine and to know the equilibrium of nourishment. That is very important for health. – Joel Robuchon

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I spent a college semester in a small town in Italy – and that is where I truly tasted food for the first time. – Alton Brown


We would load up the yellow Cutlass Supreme station wagon and pick blackberries during blackberry season or spring onions during spring onion season. For us, food was part of the fabric of our day. – Mario Batali

[Celery] is as fresh and clean as a rainy day after a spell of heat. It crackles pleasantly in the mouth…. it should be eaten alone, for it is the only food which one really wants to hear oneself eat. – A.A. Milne (1882–1956), “A Word for Autumn,” Not That It Matters


Nobody had ever told me junk food was bad for me. Four years of medical school, and four years of internship and residency, and I never thought anything was wrong with eating sweet rolls and doughnuts, and potatoes, and bread, and sweets. – Robert Atkins


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