Quote by Meghan ORourke
My whole life, I had been taught to read and study, to seek unders

My whole life, I had been taught to read and study, to seek understanding in knowledge of history, of cultures. – Meghan ORourke

Other quotes by Meghan ORourke

Its all too easy when talking about female gymnasts to fall into the trap of infantilizing them, spending more time worrying more about female vulnerability than we do celebrating female strength. – Meghan ORourke

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My mother died of metastatic colorectal cancer shortly before three P.M. on Christmas Day of 2008. I dont know the exact time of her death, because none of us thought to look at a clock for a while after she stopped breathing. – Meghan ORourke

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Grief is a bad moon, a sleeper wave. Its like having an inner combatant, a saboteur who, at the slightest change in the sunlight, or at the first notes of a jingle for a dog food commercial, will flick the memory switch, bringing tears to your eyes. – Meghan ORourke

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It is now common knowledge that the average American gains 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. – Marilu Henner


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