News is history shot on the wing. – Gene Fowler, Skyline
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There was a time when the reader of an unexciting newspaper would remark, How dull is the world today! Nowadays he says, What a dull newspaper! – Daniel J. Boorstin
It was while making newspaper deliveries, trying to miss the bushes and hit the porch, that I first learned the importance of accuracy in journalism. – Charles Osgood
One who is too wise an observer of the business of others, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity. – Alexander Pope
Id say the best is when I was in Africa, I saw a hippo in a house. Someone had a pet hippo. And theyre meant to be one of the most dangerous animals on the planet, and they had one that was sort of just wandering in and out of their house, just sort of roaming about. – Karl Pilkington