People have been known to achieve more as a result of working with others than against them. – Dr. Allan Fromme
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Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. – Bill Bradley
Acknowledgement and celebration are essential to fueling passion, making people feel valid and valuable, and giving the team a real sense of progress that makes it all worthwhile. – Dwight Frindt
After a decade this glum, we deserved a shot of Glee, a show that restored our faith in the power of song, the beauty of dance, and the magic of spirit fingers to chase our cares and woes into somebody elses backyard. – James Wolcott
This society in which we live is radically changing. What previous generations saw as evil is now embraced as being good. It is a dangerous and slippery slope upon which we stand when we reject what Solomon called the beginning of wisdom – the fear of God. – Ray Comfort