Meditation is just a courage to be silent and alone. Slowly slowly

Meditation is just a courage to be silent and alone. Slowly slowly, you start feeling a new quality to yourself, a new aliveness, a new beauty, a new intelligence—which is not borrowed from anybody, which is growing within you. It has roots in your existence. – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

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This…is the surer, safer, saner way of meditation. For, when the mind is absent from the body it is present with thy Lord, thy purposes, thy hopes. – Edgar Cayce


Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. – Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati


If you learn to go beyond the jabbering of your mind, and can go to the deeper aspects of your consciousness, then body, breath, and mind will not come in your way. – SwāmÄ« Rāma


Meditation is the breath of your soul. Just as breathing is the life of the body, meditation is the life of the soul. – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


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