Quote by Mark Twain
Martyrdom covers a multitude of sins. - Mark Twain

Martyrdom covers a multitude of sins. – Mark Twain

Other quotes by Mark Twain

No God and no religion can survive ridicule. No political church, no nobility, no royalty or other fraud, can face ridicule in a fair field, and live. – Mark Twain

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Other Quotes from
Martyr, Martyrdom

No human beings more dangerous than those who have suffered for a belief: the great persecutors are recruited from the martyrs not quite beheaded. Far from diminishing the appetite for power, suffering exasperates it. – E. M. Cioran

I will soon be going out to shape all the singing tomorrows. – Gabriel Peri

What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. – Thomas Jefferson

Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being understood — never. – Albert Camus

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