Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads havent b

Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads havent been cut off. – E. M. Cioran

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Martyr, Martyrdom

I will soon be going out to shape all the singing tomorrows. – Gabriel Peri

No human beings more dangerous than those who have suffered for a belief: the great persecutors are recruited from the martyrs not quite beheaded. Far from diminishing the appetite for power, suffering exasperates it. – E. M. Cioran

Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by Gods grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out. – Bishop Hugh Latimer

While I do not suggest that humanity will ever be able to dispense with its martyrs, I cannot avoid the suspicion that with a little more thought and a little less belief their number may be substantially reduced. – J.B.S. Haldane

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