Quote by Ibrahim Rugova
We have used the presence of UNMIK, as well as other European and

We have used the presence of UNMIK, as well as other European and American agencies to establish a legal framework compatible with the European Union and that is already an advantage. We have seen the positive effects of this and our parliament will continue to go this way. – Ibrahim Rugova

Other quotes by Ibrahim Rugova

The different Ministries have to work more on the promotion of the country, to build Kosovos public image. Concrete projects must be assembled, in order to activate our businessmen to have more contacts. We have to create a positive image about ourselves. – Ibrahim Rugova

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However, we still have the problem of free travel and movement, since the Travel Documents issued by UNMIK as the substitute to passports, are not fully recognized yet by all countries. – Ibrahim Rugova

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Like all other law-abiding Americans, I fully support legal immigration. – Ted Nugent


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