I think any spiritual experience thats worthwhile is not about ego

I think any spiritual experience thats worthwhile is not about ego and it will humble you in some way. And also, a Zen monk once said to me, If youre not laughing, then youre not getting it. – David O. Russell

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I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings Ive had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works. – Ken Blanchard


I have relationships with people Im working with, based on our combined interest. It doesnt make the relationship any less sincere, but it does give it a focus that may not last beyond the experience. – Harrison Ford


Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason. – Leonardo da Vinci


I think generally Im kind of interested in subjective experience, what goes on inside someones head, that being all they really know of the world. – Charlie Kaufman


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