Quote by Chuck Palahniuk
Its funny how you never think about the women youve had. Its alway

Its funny how you never think about the women youve had. Its always the ones who get away that you cant forget. – Chuck Palahniuk

Other quotes by Chuck Palahniuk

You hear the best stories from ordinary people. That sense of immediacy is more real to me than a lot of writerly, literary-type crafted stories. I want that immediacy when I read a novel. – Chuck Palahniuk

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When I was in high school I used to sit by myself in the cafeteria – not necessarily by choice – but I thought it was funny to talk to people that werent there. – Zach Galifianakis


The fans of The Hunger Games, of the book, are very passionate. Its funny: Even at my concerts there are people holding up Cinna signs. – Lenny Kravitz


Its hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse. – Adlai E. Stevenson


Its funny, because when youre younger youre in a rush to be 18 or 21 or whatever. But then you hit 30. And now, the days go by like hours. You think, 40, man, this could be the halfway point. It could be the three-quarters point, you know? Who knows? – Mark Wahlberg


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The greatest meliorator of the world is selfish, huckstering Trade. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Now this relaxation of the mind from work consists on playful words or deeds. Therefore it becomes a wise and virtuous man to have recourse to such things at times. – Thomas Aquinas
