Quotes by

Source Unknown

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. – Source Unknown

Some people develop a wishbone where their backbone should be. – Source Unknown

Dont worry if your job is small and your rewards few. Remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you. – Source Unknown

Often statistics are used as a drunken man uses lamp posts… for support rather than illumination. – Source Unknown

Tact is ability to see others as they wish to be seen. – Source Unknown

Tact is the intelligence of the heart. – Source Unknown

When a woman wants a man and lusts after him, the lover need not bother to conjure up opportunities, for she will find more in an hour than we men could think of in a century. – Source Unknown

The five senses are horse sense, innocence, common sense, concupiscence, and nonsense. – Source Unknown

Scientific research consists in seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no one else has thought. – Source Unknown

We must be prepared to be part of the cure and not remain part of the problem. – Source Unknown

No decent career was ever founded on a public. – Source Unknown

To write it, it took three months; to conceive it –three minutes; to collect the data in it –all my life. – Source Unknown

Organization is the enemy of improvisation. – Source Unknown

The foolish think that nothing is well done, except that which they do themselves. – Source Unknown

In a world where the outrageous has become the norm, stable organizations make no sense. – Source Unknown

Organizations that remain vital show their new employees that they are needed. At the same time, they never forget the value of their long-service employees. And they always give both a second chance. – Source Unknown

To know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning. – Source Unknown

The new organization is edgeless, permeable, amorphous… constantly re-forming according to need. – Source Unknown

Most of us know when and where the Pilgrims landed, but few of us know why. – Source Unknown

Mother-in-law: A woman who destroys her son-in-laws peace of mind by giving him a piece of hers. – Source Unknown