

A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone. – Billy Graham

A mother who is really a mother is never free. – Honore de Balzac

Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. – Carl Jung

Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence. – Plato

The truth is that parents are not really interested in justice. They just want quiet. – Bill Cosby

We are apt to forget that children watch examples better than they listen to preaching. – Roy L. Smith

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. – Garrison Keillor

Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain. – Martin Mull

The well-being and welfare of children should always be our focus. – Todd Tiahrt

I had no idea that mothering my own child would be so healing to my own sadness from my childhood. – Susie Bright

The interesting thing about being a mother is that everyone wants pets, but no one but me cleans the kitty litter. – Meryl Streep

Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby and I can go out. – Matthew Broderick

Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker. – Christy Turlington

No fathers or mothers think their own children ugly. – Miguel de Cervantes

You have to support your children to have a healthy relationship. – Connie Sellecca

The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering. – Benjamin Spock

Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur. – Alvin Toffler

Success for me its to raise happy, healthy human beings. – Kelly LeBrock

Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise… specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine. – Allan Bloom

Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore. – Ogden Nash