

I dont trust a lot of journalists. – Calvin Klein

If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and with malice toward none and charity for all go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail. – Henry A. Wallace

I dont like Bush. I dont trust him. I dont like his record. Hes stupid. Hes lazy. – Cher

Im very wary of trust, you see. – Kristin Scott Thomas

Ive considered having my nose fixed. But I didnt trust anyone enough. If I could do it myself with a mirror. – Barbra Streisand

Sometimes a psychic tells you something and it feels wrong and others may be right on the money. Its your choice about whom to trust, and giving that trust is something we do ourselves. – Martha Beck

Im a comedian, for Gods sake. Viewers shouldnt trust me. And you know what? Theyre hip enough to know they shouldnt trust me. Im just doing stand-up comedy. – Dennis Miller

I have often said one of the reasons more blacks dont support Republicans is because they dont trust the GOP establishment. – J. C. Watts

I buy about $1,500 worth of papers every month. Not that I trust them. Im looking for the crack in the fabric. – Dick Gregory

I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. You dont ever want to second-guess whether you can tell your friend something. – Lauren Conrad

Young people these days dont trust anything at all. They want to be free. – Haruki Murakami

Never comment on a womans rear end. Never use the words large or size with rear end. Never. Avoid the area altogether. Trust me. – Tim Allen

I think there is a break down of trust generally, between people and politicians. I think thats come about for a whole variety of reasons. – Theresa May

I dont always trust my own instincts. It would be nice if someone else would tell me what I should do with my life! – Liz Phair

I think a film set is a quite controlled environment and you feel like you can trust them and it is going to be a safe place to work, but I really dont think about it. – Orlando Bloom

Im a dirt person. I trust the dirt. I dont trust diamonds and gold. – Eartha Kitt

When youre CEO, you have to have two conditions: first, shareholders need to trust you and want you to head your company. The second is that you need to feel the motivation to do the job. So, as long as both are reunited, you continue to do the job. – Carlos Ghosn

When youre C.E.O., you have to have two conditions: first, shareholders need to trust you and want you to head your company. The second is that you need to feel the motivation to do the job. So, as long as both are reunited, you continue to do the job. And today, they are reunited. – Carlos Ghosn

I dont listen to peoples opinions. I have people around me who I can trust, but most of all I listen to myself. – Mary J. Blige

I could I trust starve like a gentleman. Its listed as part of the poetic training, you know. – Ezra Pound