

Love and trust and justice, concern for the poor, thats being pushed to the margins, and you can see it. – Cornel West

Its just an unhealthy way to approach something, trying to outdo your last thing. Youve gotta trust evolution, youve gotta trust that the bar is moving, that you dont need to force the bar. Itll just happen. – Johnny Knoxville

I have such trust complexes. Im close to, like, two people. – Taylor Momsen

I feel I do my best work when its all there on the page, and I feel that the character is very vivid as I read the script and Im not having to create stuff and trying to cobble together something. If I have to do that, then I dont entirely trust what Im doing. – Guy Pearce

For me its always about first impressions. I trust my instincts. I love to prepare if its something that requires training. But I dont like to prepare the psychology too much. I enjoy the psychology of the character but I work better from a first impression. – Billy Zane

If the players dont trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa. – Bill Parcells

Weve not had one Republican president in 34 years balance the budget. You cant trust right-wing Republicans with your money. You ought to hire somebody who has balanced a budget. Im much more conservative with money than George Bush is. – Howard Dean

Dont trust anyone who has been in school for the past 24 consecutive years. – Craig Bruce

And basically, the sense of the Pledge to America is this: Republicans understand when we were in charge, we got fired in 06. We spent too much money. We defied the trust that the people had put in us. And we know that there is a better way. – Eric Cantor

Some of their best songs dont have bridges and choruses. So that made me think I should trust my instincts. My songs were okay, I figured. I didnt need to change anything. – Lucinda Williams

There used to be this feeling under Eisenhower and Kennedy and Roosevelt and Truman that government was a solution. Trust in the presidency fell precipitously under Johnson – real lows. And its never come back. Its a trend that, if youre liberal, is really discouraging. – Robert Caro

I learned something from that. If someone asks me something that I really dont want to do, I say no. I have to trust that. And Im not afraid to talk money. – Diana Ross

Trust me, if I were gay Id be getting more action than Im getting now. – Ryan Seacrest

If we want to truly regain the publics trust, we can provide greater accountability and transparency with a simple step. Lets start by communicating to our constituents about the votes we take. – Melissa Bean

You cant trust code that you did not totally create yourself. – Ken Thompson

I dont think its true that blondes have more fun… Trust me, it is not true! – Mila Kunis

The hardest thing is that you cant trust people now. You just cant. – Kevin Pietersen

Its not fun facing a ball going 97 mph, trust me. – Kevin Pietersen

Its not my job to try and alter the directors style – hes in charge, and Ill always give him my trust. – Ewan McGregor

The slogan was Dont trust anyone over thirty. Sixty years later the slogan became, Dont trust anyone over ninety. – John McCarthy