

I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land. – Jon Stewart

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. – Henry Van Dyke

To give thanks in solitude is enough. Thanksgiving has wings and goes where it must go. Your prayer knows much more about it than you do. – Victor Hugo

There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. – O. Henry

My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor. – Phyllis Diller

Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. – Henry Ward Beecher

A lot of Thanksgiving days have been ruined by not carving the turkey in the kitchen. – Kin Hubbard

My whole problem is that all of my favorite things at Thanksgiving are the starches, and everyone is trying to go low-carb this year, even a green vegetable has carbs in it. – Ted Allen

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I took time to reflect on what is most important to me and realized I need to find a way to put the fun back into racing. – Kurt Busch

Thanksgiving is a season that is very much in accord with the themes and teachings of Jesus Christ. – John Clayton

As governor, when I visited our troops in Kuwait and Iraq, I served them Thanksgiving dinner. It was a small gesture compared to their sacrifice. – Jennifer M. Granholm

I never drank except a couple sips of wine at Thanksgiving. – Carol Alt

Thanksgiving is nothing but a toast to genocide. – Stephen Evans

I have nothing against turkey. We eat turkey for Thanksgiving in my house. – Marc Forgione

If you think Independence Day is Americas defining holiday, think again. Thanksgiving deserves that title, hands-down. – Tony Snow

If you think about a Thanksgiving dinner, its really like making a large chicken. – Ina Garten

Its so warm now, and Thanksgiving came so early – is it just me, or does it not really feel like Ramadan? – David Letterman

Not to sound too much like Christopher Guest in Waiting for Guffman, but on Thanksgiving youre putting on a show! – Ted Allen

As much as I love crisp, clean whites, theres always a time for rich but balanced Chardonnays with oak, especially at Thanksgiving. – Gary Vaynerchuk

I absolutely adore Thanksgiving. Its the only holiday I insist on making myself. – Ina Garten