
Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is like a movie, and the quarterback is the leading man. – Leigh Steinberg, quoted by @ESPNNFL, 2014 January 20th

I always wanted to win the Super Bowl so I could take it and hold it and see what lies beyond it. I think it may be the sun. – Pete Gent, quoted by Ray Blount, Jr. in About Three Bricks Shy… And the Load F

To love the Super Bowl, you only have to think what Januarys were like before it came along. – David N. Rosenthal, Time, 1982

Imagine, thirty years from now people will be talking about that Super Bowl or this Super Bowl. I mean, if people thirty years from now even know what football is. – Robert John Kuechenberg, 1983

The Super Bowl is a week-long talk show. – Ira Miller, San Francisco Chronicle, 1979

The Super Bowl has become more of a staging event for a week of debauchery than a contest to determine the best team in the National Football League. – Peter H. King, San Francisco Examiner, 1980

No other sporting event can compare with a good Series. The Super Bowl is a three-hour interruption in a week of drink and Rotarian parties. – Roger Kahn, 1981 [referring to the World Series (baseball) —tεᖇ

The greatest gap in sports is between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl. The winner has confetti, parades, rings, the whole thing. The loser puts his head down and goes to his house. – John Madden, NBC Sports press conference, Super Bowl XLIII (2009)

Do you know what happens after you lose the Super Bowl? The world ends. It just stops. – Joe Kapp

Losing the Super Bowl is worse than death. You have to get up the next morning. – George Allen, quoted in J. Mitchell Perry & Steve Jamison, In the Zone: Achi

The Super Bowl is a kind of corporate Woodstock. – Michael Ruby, Inside Sports, 1981

Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings. – George F. Will

Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors. – Frank Gifford, quoted in Sports Illustrated, 1960 July 4th

Football is, after all, a wonderful way to get rid of your aggressions without going to jail for it. – Heywood Hale Broun

Is there a point at which every Sunday during the NFL season ceases to make a man feel like a kid on Christmas morning? – Mike Alexander,

My idea of a good hit is when the victim wakes up on the sidelines with train whistles blowing in his head… I like to believe that my best hits border on felonious assault. – Jack Tatum, They Call Me Assassin, 1979

You have to play this game like somebody just hit your mother with a two-by-four. – Dan Birdwell

At the base of it was the urge, if you wanted to play football, to knock someone down, that was what the sport was all about, the will to win closely linked with contact. – George Plimpton, Paper Lion: Confessions of a Last-String Quarterback, 1965

I quickly learned what many Sunday widows already realized — that football is not a game but a religion, a metaphysical island of fundamental truth in a highly verbal, disguised society, a throwback of 30,000 generations of anthropological time. – Arnold J. Mandell, “A Psychiatric Study of Professional Football,” 1974 [An inte

Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field? – Jim Bouton