The Super Bowl has become more of a staging event for a week of de

The Super Bowl has become more of a staging event for a week of debauchery than a contest to determine the best team in the National Football League. – Peter H. King, San Francisco Examiner, 1980

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Super Bowl

Is there a point at which every Sunday during the NFL season ceases to make a man feel like a kid on Christmas morning? – Mike Alexander,

Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is a week-long talk show. – Ira Miller, San Francisco Chronicle, 1979

Super Bowl

One of the great disappointments of a football game is that the cheerleaders never seem to get injured. – New York Tribune

Super Bowl

To love the Super Bowl, you only have to think what Januarys were like before it came along. – David N. Rosenthal, Time, 1982

Super Bowl

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