The greatest gap in sports is between the winner and the loser of

The greatest gap in sports is between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl. The winner has confetti, parades, rings, the whole thing. The loser puts his head down and goes to his house. – John Madden, NBC Sports press conference, Super Bowl XLIII (2009)

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Super Bowl

…trying to maintain order during a legalized gang brawl involving 80 toughs with a little whistle, a hanky and a ton of prayer. – A veteran NFL referee describing his duties, quoted in Richard Saul Wurman, Amer

Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is a week-long talk show. – Ira Miller, San Francisco Chronicle, 1979

Super Bowl

Losing the Super Bowl is worse than death. You have to get up the next morning. – George Allen, quoted in J. Mitchell Perry & Steve Jamison, In the Zone: Achi

Super Bowl

My idea of a good hit is when the victim wakes up on the sidelines with train whistles blowing in his head… I like to believe that my best hits border on felonious assault. – Jack Tatum, They Call Me Assassin, 1979

Super Bowl

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