

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. – Ben Williams

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. – Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912

Dogs are miracles with paws. – Attributed to Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

The dog is the only animal that has seen his god. – Author Unknown

My little dog — a heartbeat at my feet. – Edith Wharton

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. – George Eliot

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. – Gilda Radner

Our dogs will love and admire the meanest of us, and feed our colossal vanity with their uncritical homage. – Agnes Repplier

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! – David Starr Jordan

With the exception of women, there is nothing on earth so agreeable or necessary to the comfort of man as the dog. – Edward Jesse, Anecdote of Dogs

Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. – Max Eastman, Enjoyment of Laughter

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. – Author Unknown

If dogs could talk, it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one. – Andy Rooney

A dog is not “almost human” and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such. – John Holmes

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. – Mme. de Staël

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. – Aldous Huxley

They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation. – Jerome K. Jerome

Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that is how dogs spend their lives. – Sue Murphy

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. – Roger Caras

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. – Ambrose Bierce