

A conference is a gathering of people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done. – Fred A. Allen

Committee–a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours. – Milton Berle

A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel. – Heywood Broun

Ive searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees. – G. K. Chesterton

The real process of making decisions, of gathering support, of developing opinions, happens before the meeting or after. – Terrence Deal

Meetings are a symptom of bad organization. The fewer meetings the better. – Peter Drucker

Meetings are a great trap. Soon you find yourself trying to get agreement and then the people who disagree come to think they have a right to be persuaded. However, they are indispensable when you dont want to do anything. – John Kenneth Galbraith

Whoever invented the meeting must have had Hollywood in mind. I think they should consider giving Oscars for meetings: Best Meeting of the Year, Best Supporting Meeting, Best Meeting Based on Material from Another Meeting. – William Goldman

Committee: A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit to do the unnecessary. – Richard Harkness

I hate being placed on committees. They are always having meetings at which half are absent and the rest late. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

One of the reasons why the Ten Commandments are so short and to the point is the fact they were given direct and did not come out of committees. – H. G. Hutcheson

A collection of a hundred Great brains makes one big fathead. – Carl Gustav Jung

The heaping together of paintings by Old Masters in museums is a catastrophe; likewise, a collection of a hundred Great Brains makes one big fathead. – Carl Gustav Jung

If you want to kill any idea in the world today, get a committee working on it. – Charles Franklin Kettering

The ideal committee is one with me as the chairman, and two other members in bed with the flu. – Lord Milverton

The State, that craving rookery of committees and subcommittees. – V. S. Pritchett

A committee of one gets things done. – Joe Ryan

Muddle is the extra unknown personality in any committee. – Anthony Sampson