For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled. – Hunter S. Thompson Category: Beauty
Truth is a thing immortal and perpetual, and it gives to us a beauty that fades not away in time. – Frank Norris Category: Beauty
Swift speedy time, feathered with flying hours, Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow. – Lord Chesterfield Category: Beauty
In prison, inmates sometimes use Cheetos and grape juice as makeup. I wouldnt use that beauty regimen around Britney Spears – she might lick your face off! – Joel McHale Category: Beauty
I like rhythmic things that butt up against each other in a cool kind of way. – Stone Gossard Category: cool
One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself. – Betsy Cohen Category: Sisters
Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. – Mark Twain, Following the Equator Category: Age