If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own. – Charlotte Bronte
If you are cast in a different mould to the majority, it is no merit of yours: Nature did it. – Charlotte Bronte
If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own. – Charlotte Bronte
If you are cast in a different mould to the majority, it is no merit of yours: Nature did it. – Charlotte Bronte
Feeling without judgement is a washy draught indeed; but judgement untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition. – Charlotte Bronte
One does not jump, and spring, and shout hurrah! at hearing one has got a fortune, one begins to consider responsibilities, and to ponder business; on a base of steady satisfaction rise certain grave cares, and we contain ourselves, and brood over our bliss with a solemn brow. – Charlotte Bronte