Quote by Rick Perry
Im worried about that man or woman sitting around - the coffee tab

Im worried about that man or woman sitting around – the coffee table tonight or in their kitchen talking about how are we going to get to work. How are we going to have the dignity to take care of our family. – Rick Perry

Other quotes by Rick Perry

Obamacare has got everyone on edge. I mean, small business – men and women or big business are sitting out there saying we have no idea what this is going to cost, but we know its going to cost us and cost us a lot. – Rick Perry

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But if you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than theyve been brought there by no fault of their own, I dont think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society. – Rick Perry

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Here is what we know after more than a decade of Republican rule: Texas works. Even The New York Times let it slip into its pages that, Texas is the future. – Rick Perry

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My kids say if theres any family dinner that doesnt result in somebody crying, its not a good dinner. They cry because it helps relieve them of a guilt or some onerous emotional burden. Its like a family tradition. – William Shatner


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Theres no road map on how to raise a family: its always an enormous negotiation. – Meryl Streep


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