Quote by Alfred Hitchcock
There is nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be

There is nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye, an agile mind, and no scruples whatsoever. – Alfred Hitchcock

Other quotes by Alfred Hitchcock

If its a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on. – Alfred Hitchcock

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We seem to have a compulsion these days to bury time capsules in order to give those people living in the next century or so some idea of what we are like. – Alfred Hitchcock

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Other Quotes from
Winning, Winners

Its not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference. – Paul William “Bear” Bryant

It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies. – Arthur Calwell

The world is full of people who never quite get into the first team and who just miss the prizes at the flower show. – Jacob Bronowski

If youre going to dedicate every second to winning the decathlon, what are you doing wasting your time in bed? – Bruce Jenner

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