Sighing that Nature formed but one such man, and broke the die. -

Sighing that Nature formed but one such man, and broke the die. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

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Greatness & Great Things

Because you are a great lord, you believe yourself to be a great genius. You took the trouble to be born, but no more. – Pierre De Beaumarchais

All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know. – Alexis Carrel

No one who has come to true greatness has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to the people, and what God has given them he gives it for mankind. – Phillips Brooks

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Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive. – Victor Hugo


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You have to study your field and you have to find out how other people do it, and you have to keep working and learning and practicing and ultimately, you would be able to do it. – Theodore Sturgeon


Indecision becomes decision with time. – Author Unknown
