Save your money. Youre going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think. – Michael Caine
January is the garbage can of movies in America, directly after all the Oscar contenders have been out. – Michael Caine
Save your money. Youre going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think. – Michael Caine
January is the garbage can of movies in America, directly after all the Oscar contenders have been out. – Michael Caine
In the sixties, everyone you knew became famous. My flatmate was Terence Stamp. My barber was Vidal Sassoon. David Hockney did the menu in a restaurant I went to. I didnt know anyone unknown who didnt become famous. – Michael Caine
I am in so many movies that are on TV at 2:00 a.m. that people think I am dead. – Michael Caine