Quote by Jean Baudrillard
Santa Barbara is a paradise; Disneyland is a paradise; the U.S. is

Santa Barbara is a paradise; Disneyland is a paradise; the U.S. is a paradise. Paradise is just paradise. Mournful, monotonous, and superficial though it may be, it is paradise. There is no other. – Jean Baudrillard

Other quotes by Jean Baudrillard

There is nothing more mysterious than a TV set left on in an empty room. It is even stranger than a man talking to himself or a woman standing dreaming at her stove. It is as if another planet is communicating with you. – Jean Baudrillard

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Terror is as much a part of the concept of truth as runniness is of the concept of jam. We wouldnt like jam if it didnt, by its very nature, ooze. We wouldnt like truth if it wasnt sticky, if, from time to time, it didnt ooze blood. – Jean Baudrillard

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Pornography is the quadraphonics of sex. It adds a third and fourth track to the sexual act. It is the hallucination of detail that rules. Science has already habituated us to this microscopics, this excess of the real in its microscopic detail, this voyeurism of exactitude. – Jean Baudrillard

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Other Quotes from
Paradise, Utopia

It is a curious thing that every creed promises a paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste. – Evelyn Waugh

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now… only much, much better. – Laurie Halse Anderson

We, who have already borne on the road to Paradise the lives of the best among us, want a difficult, erect, implacable Paradise; a Paradise where one can never rest and which has, beside the threshold of the gates, angels with swords. – J. A. Primo De Rivera

The Utopia the bible seems to want would have people hate evil when it is time to hate and suggests that people who turn away from the world to follow His word would in turn be hated and those people who hate them are to be humiliated in the end. – James Dye

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