Quote by Simone Weil
We must prefer real hell to an imaginary paradise. - Simone Weil

We must prefer real hell to an imaginary paradise. – Simone Weil

Other quotes by Simone Weil

A man whose mind feels that it is captive would prefer to blind himself to the fact. But if he hates falsehood, he will not do so; and in that case he will have to suffer a lot. He will beat his head against the wall until he faints. He will come to again – Simone Weil

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Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty. – Simone Weil

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There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime namely, repressive justice. – Simone Weil

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Other Quotes from
Paradise, Utopia

We are at heart so profoundly anarchistic that the only form of state we can imagine living in is Utopian; and so cynical that the only Utopia we can believe in is authoritarian. – Lionel Trilling

I should have no use for a paradise in which I should be deprived of the right to prefer hell. – Jean Rostand

From the very fountain of enchantment there arises a taste of bitterness to spread anguish amongst the flowers. – Lucretius

Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell. – Friedrich Nietzsche

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