I was not particularly bright, I wasnt very athletic, I was a little too tall, odd, funny looking, I was just really weird as a kid. – Uma Thurman
Quote by Uma Thurman

Other quotes by Uma Thurman
It is better to have a relationship with someone who cheats on you than with someone who does not flush the toilet. – Uma Thurman
Im an actress and mom, and I probably dont have enough of an active spiritual life. And I dont know why people run around calling themselves by the names of religions when they dont actually practise them. – Uma Thurman
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Im a big fan of certain new acts. I love any genre of music, and I think its really great to see that there are new artists coming through. Its kinda funny to think that Im like the old man on campus now. But Im really happy for groups like One Direction. I think theyre really good guys. – Joe Jonas