Quote by Peter Singer
Im not overly alarmist about it, but I do think there are some wor

Im not overly alarmist about it, but I do think there are some worrying signs, like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population, plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy. – Peter Singer

Other quotes by Peter Singer

In the sense that youre not at the centre of power, like a president or prime minister of a major power, everyone is marginalised my position doesnt isnt unique in that respect. I think there are different sorts of relevance in different contexts. – Peter Singer

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So, basically, my view is I dont want to support the exploitation of animals, and within reason, I will do what I can to avoid it, but its not like its a religion for me. Its not like I consider Im polluted if somehow some bit of milk or cheese or something passes my lips. – Peter Singer

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You might hold an ethical position that its wrong to lie, but if you have plans for a war in Iraq, and you want to keep them secret for practical reasons – to reduce casualties, perhaps – and someone asks you about those plans, you may need to lie for a good outcome. – Peter Singer

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Im so touched that complete strangers will send me a script asking me to be in their film. That still amazes me – and sometimes for a lot of money too. – Liam Neeson


The nice thing about the gallery shows is that without having to pay any money you can just go and see it. – Yoko Ono


I think its too bad that everybodys decided to turn on drugs, I dont think drugs are the problem. Crime is the problem. Cops are the problem. Moneys the problem. But drugs are just drugs. – Jerry Garcia


At this point I have enough money to live 25 lifetimes. You couldnt spend the money Ive accrued now. – Shia LaBeouf


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